The Noserider

A classic, California style outline with outstanding developed noseriding capabilities. This design will have you hanging clean 10s all the way to the beach. Features 50/50 rails, a blended nose concave and accelerated tail rocker. Best suited for slopey pointbreaks and reefs with long, drawn out lines.

  • The deep concave in the nose creates lift to keep you gliding above water when on the tip. The elevated tail rocker helps keep the board positioned in the pocket to maximize time spent on the nose, while providing a great launchpad for drop knee turns. The 50/50 rails help keep the board engaged in the face of the wave while noseriding and are great for pivot turns.

  • Classic noserider longboard. Generally sized in the 9’0” - 10’0” range.


Order your custom Noserider


Tuna Melt

