On the Menu: Street Dogs

Street Dogs run free and rule the block. They’re my favorite late night snack. They also happen to be the most versatile, classic longboards around. 

Before hand shaping this model I had a clear idea of what I was trying to achieve… build the best longboard to perform in the variety of waves I surf the most. I envisioned a log that would hold in the pocket and carry speed through turns on small days at the fast, punchy beach break in front of my house. The board also needed to trim and noseride in slow, cruisey waves like Sano.

The first version I shaped hit the nail on the head and performed just how I envisioned. Fast and responsive in the beach breaks and smooth and silky in the reefs/points. It quickly became a staple in my quiver and my go to log for just about any condition.  

The qualitative aspects of the board:

  • Excellent Noseriding Capabilities

  • Drive Through Turns

  • Hold in the Pocket

  • Great Trim Through the Flats

The technicals are as follows:

  • The wide nose with a flat deck provides a stable surface to walk across and perform technical noseriding.

  • The flat rocker in the nose also helps it paddle great and trim through flat sections with ease.

  • The tail is round and pulled in with a continuous curve and plenty of rocker. This allows it to fit in steeper pockets of the wave and carry speed through turns. I think of it as a happy medium between a pin tail and a square tail; it carries enough surface area to lift the tail for noseriding but still feels drivey through turns.

  • The heavily rolled bottom in the tail allows it to be laid on rail with ease. The rails are softer and more forgiving than most logs while maintaining a nice tapered profile to easily draw out carves. 

Overall this is the board I would recommend if I could only have one log in my quiver … and let’s be real, not many of us are fortunate to afford multiple. It noserides, trims and turns exceptionally. It goes insane in quick beach breaks, drawn out points and mushy garbage. And, it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face after each surf. 

After feeling how well this handshape performed we had to scan it so we could replicate the magic. This creates consistency and allows us to hit the nail on the head with each board. 

They are available to custom order and can be scaled to any size (recommended in the 9’0 to 10’0 range). Feel free to enquire below with any questions or interest to order/demo this model.


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A Day in the Bay